Sharon Stone: Age photos, Family Biography, Movies, Pictures

Sharon Stone worked as a model before moving into film, landing roles in features such as Irreconcilable Differences, Total Recall. Her dazzling performance in the film Basic Instinct generated a lot buzz. Sharon Stone also appeared in Gloria, Sliver and If These Walls Could Talk 2. She received nominations for an Academy Award and won a Golden Globe for Casino. Stone began to venture into acting in the 80s and made a variety of movies and TV appearances throughout the decade. Stone played the iconic role of Blake Chandler in the 1984 Golden Globe-nominated drama, Irreconcilable Disparities. She also played a hilarious character in the comedy Police Academy 4 : Citizens on Patrol (1987). Following her triumph she appeared in a number of dramatic roles, including Last Dance (1996) and The Quick and the Dead (1995). Her decade ended with a handful of unsatisfactory films, like Gloria in 1998, and Sphere in 1999. But she was highly praised for her performance as a comedian in The Muse in 1999. In 2001, Stone encountered health problems due to a severe headache, which turned into an internal hemorrhage in her brain. Stone married producer Michael Greenburg in 1984. Three years after, the couple broke up. She was married to Phil Bronstein, San Francisco Chronicle Executive editor of the Chronicle, in 1998. The couple adopted their son, Roan Joseph, before their divorce in 2004. Stone has adopted two more sons since when: Quinn Kelly (2006) and Laird Vonne (2006).



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